There is a lot of suffering in this world. Suffering that can rob us of our dignity, our sense of self and our ability to live our lives unapologetically, authentically, all in and full out. However, we aren’t meant to suffer. Rather we’re supposed to feel vibrantly alive, resonating with love, joy, and compassion. We’re meant to live a fulfilling, meaningful life. Yet, the majority of us don’t live this way. Instead, we suffer needlessly; some even suffer endlessly.
No matter how dark times may seem, even if you feel you can’t go on, you must! You are powerful beyond measure and can accomplish amazing things! This book is a true example of this. Dana Zarcone has gathered 25 authors, from all over the world, who share experiences that will shock and astound you.
They bring you along on their journey and share the pain, heartbreak, sorrow, and suffering they’ve endured. They expose their underbellies in the spirit of helping you understand that we all go through hard times, no one is immune, and everyone can come out on the other side stronger, wiser and happier than ever before!
It’s through this book, and the amazing stories they share, that you’ll find the hope, inspiration, and determination to do what you need to do to turn your burnouts and breakdowns into breakthroughs!