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What You Think Matters

Sadly, in today’s world we are brought up thinking and being told that it is arrogant to love one’s self but is this really the case? In truth, we are the ones that have to spend all our lives in our own company so is it really bad to think highly of our own ability, image, or whatever it may be? No, if we have a positive self-image, we are more confident and can therefore strive to become a better person or to reach our goals. However, this process can be hard so we have some important steps to get you there that will help you to Live Life Fully.

Accept Yourself – The first step is perhaps the most important, but it can also be the hardest. You have to accept and love yourself for who you are right now; don’t worry about the past, don’t worry about the future, just accept your current self. If you can’t trust yourself at the moment, how can you expect other people to trust you? At first, this may seem hard because you may have been doing the opposite for many years but this is vital.

Stop Criticizing – Without even realizing it, we criticize ourselves multiple times every single day and it can be extremely damaging. I was walking down the street with my dear friend Clare the other day and three times in a row she said, “I am really stupid.” These messages are really damaging.  Instead of focusing on things you struggle with or things you have done wrong, start thinking about your positive traits and what you do well.

Do Things For You – This all leads from accepting yourself because if you successfully negotiate this step, you will have an opportunity to do things that please you instead of always pleasing everyone else.  It doesn’t matter what it is, find something you enjoy and go do it because this will increase your self-worth and you are saying ‘I am important’.

Take Responsibility – From when we were children, we would be told to ‘take responsibility’ and now we know exactly why. However, this isn’t just about taking responsibility for something you have done wrong because you also have to take responsibility for your successes. If you lead a project and it is successful, don’t let other people take the limelight but instead stand up tall and accept the praise that comes your way. Accepting praise and letting it sink into your body is an important step to improving your confidence and being grounded in your self-image.

The only way you can Live Life Fully and reach the freedom that you strive for is to delve into yourself!  We tend to move through life creating negative images of ourselves and the world around us but we have to break free from this prison. As soon as you ‘delve into yourself’, you are allowing a process full of learning and growth. If we aren’t positive and aren’t confident about ourselves, no-one else will take the reins and do it for us. Try to complete the steps above and see if you can break free from the shackles that hold you back and Live Life Fully!

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