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How to Make a Fresh Start

Ending a relationship can be tough; whether one party was to blame or it was amicable, moving on and starting fresh can sometimes seem difficult. However, it is a process that we all have to go through in order to move on. For this reason, we have compiled a list of some of the top tips to help you make a fresh start after ending a relationship!

Give Yourself Permission to Feel – Ending a relationship brings up a lot of emotions:  anger, fear, tears, and joy to name a few.  Often times, people may say to you that you made the best decision so just pull up your boot straps and move forward.  In order to move forward, you have to allow yourself to have your feelings and process them so you can move forward.

 Cut All Ties – Social media is now bigger than it’s ever been before and it is only going to keep growing. While it is fantastic for keeping up with friends and family members, it is also great for keeping tabs on the ex. If you want move on and make a fresh start, you have to unfollow them and begin again on your own. People will often say that ‘un-friending’ someone on social media is childish but if it is a necessary step for you to move on, go ahead and do it.

Accept That You Tried – After going through a breakup, the easiest thing to do is to feel guilty and regret in some way but this emotion will never allow you to move on. Instead, you need to accept that you tried and understand that it simply wasn’t meant to be. At the time, you made decisions that you thought were best for you so you need to accept where you are as a result. Beating yourself up and going over particular things that you did wrong is like living life looking through a rear-view mirror, it is dangerous and doesn’t help anybody.

Enjoy a New Beginning – Again, many of us choose to look at the negatives of losing a companion rather than making the most of the opportunity. If you want it, you have a chance to make a fresh start and decide the type of person you are going to be. Start focusing on the exciting things that you can now do rather than what ‘could’ have happened and you will soon see the difference. Whether it is a simple change of job or location or maybe even something life-changing like deciding to go travelling, do what’s right for you.

Redecorate Your Home – Living in the same location after a breakup is bound to bring back certain memories but you can remove this by redecorating and taking down all the things that remind you of your relationship. As mentioned, you have chance to do what you want so pick the color paint you have always been denied.  Some people choose to make an even bigger change by moving to create a fresh start.

Look Back (Eventually) – Although you shouldn’t keep looking back every day, there is no danger in reviewing your relationship a few months down the line. In fact, you may just learn some things about yourself that helps in future relationships.

So there we have it, relationships can be tricky and things can turn sour when it all comes to an end. However, with these tips behind you, hopefully you can learn from the past, forget about it, and then move on into the future with a smile and Live Life Fully!

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