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Get Outside!!  Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors

In this technology-driven world we live in, it can be easy to spend most of our time inside without even realizing. We wake up, go to work, eat lunch inside while checking our phones, go home, and then spend the rest of the evening watching TV or on our phones once more. More than anything else, our mental and physical health are paying the price for this because we aren’t allowing ourselves to spend time outdoors. We believe that spending time in the great outdoors is important and here’s why;

Mental Health – As mentioned previously, staying cooped up inside is not doing our minds any good at all. According to a recent study, those who spend at least half an hour outdoors every day are 50% less likely to develop depression than those who don’t. When we have this opportunity to keep mental health problems at bay for something so easy, why are we not taking it?

Creativity – If you are trying to work but happen to be really struggling to concentrate, try to go for a short walk before then returning. Recently, a study looked into how fresh air affects creativity and the results were significant. Of all the participants, 81% saw a boost in creativity after going for a short walk. After the time outside, the participants produced more innovative and unique ideas.

Build Bonds – If you don’t like spending time by yourself or prefer to take part in activities rather than just walking, spending time outside with others will strengthen relationships. When you build better relationships with friends and family, trust is built and there will be more time to get back outdoors.

Lose Weight – Nowadays, many people invest in home gym equipment and this can be great if you don’t have time to get to a gym every day. However, people who exercise outdoors find it a lot easier and more enjoyable which means that the results are greater in the long-run. In addition to this, you can also speed up your metabolism and therefore reduce food cravings by a simple activity like hiking at high altitudes.

Reduce Stress – Finally, spending time outdoors has now been proven to reduce levels of stress. Even if it is in your own garden, raking the leaves, or a simple walk,  allowing the fresh air to move around the body and looking at nature increases the sense of relaxation.

So there we have it, spending time outdoors really does bring great benefits. As summer has left us behind, many of us use the temperature as the reason to no go out.  We say pull up your boot straps, grab a coat and go.  There is so much beauty around us, don’t lock yourself away for weeks on end? Get out there and  Live Life Fully.

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