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Are You Ready To Defrost Your Emotions?

I recently received a message from a client that said:  “David.  Thank you for your continued diligence to open my heart.  I am changing; I can feel it.  I call it defrosting!”  As I pondered this message, I began to think about the changes in the seasons.  It actually helped me fast forward to spring.

I began thinking of a frozen Lake Erie defrosting.  Once the Lake freezes, it takes time in the spring for the big chunks of ice to melt.  Once the ice melts, the water begins to move again and soon the sun is shining every day and we see the beautiful water.  Some days as I walk along Lake Erie, the water is sooo calm and peaceful.  Other days, the big waves are crashing in on the shores.

This is much like our lives.  Often times our emotions and energy get frozen because of traumatic experiences and repeated patterns of behavior.  It takes courage to begin to defrost knowing that once defrosted you never know what you might have to face.  Some days will be calm and peaceful like the still water and others will be crazy like the waves crashing in on the shores.  But in the calm and the crazy we get to experience the FULLNESS OF LIFE.  I invite you to consider starting to defrost your emotions.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help; it can sometimes be a big job.  If you want to begin the process with a group of like minded people, consider joining us for a workshop on November 7 from 9am to Noon.   Click HERE for more details.


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