I was recently engaged in a conversation about relationships. As I sat at dinner, I had my new friend ‘take my inventory’ and much to my surprise nailed it pretty well. After I got home I began to reflect and contemplate on one of the most core competencies which everyone needs to master – Self Love. Sometimes Self Love is not any easy thing to do and like with anything the more we practice the better we get at it. So I decided to share an excerpt from an article I recently read on Self Love. These are ways you can begin to build or continue to to build the Self Love muscle. Give them a try! Note: its not a once and done practice – you gotta keep building the muscle. The results can have profound impacts in the way you live your life and greatly improve your connection to others.
Mirror Exercise
Go into a room with a mirror and lock the door. Get close to the mirror, no more than a foot away. Stare deep into your eyes for 2 minutes. Not in the way that you normally look at yourself in the mirror — actively become aware that this is you. Once that strange sensation comes over you, repeat the words ‘I love you’ out loud for a minute. Then begin stating things that you like about yourself — how you look, things that you’re good at, what you’re accomplished, etc.
Hug Yourself
This sounds really silly, but it feels fantastic. Reach your hands as far around you as possible and squeeze. Hold this for a minute or two while repeating ‘I love you’ and really feeling it. Focus your awareness on the area around your heart.
Reverse Each Criticism
Whenever you hear yourself criticizing yourself, immediately follow it up with two compliments, ideally but not necessarily related to the criticism.
Loving Meditation
Feeling love towards others is a good way to ramp up towards showing love to yourself. Go through the people you care most about in your mind and send them love. Picturing yourself giving them a huge hug. Wish them a fantastic day and the fulfillment of the dreams most dear to them. After you’ve gone through your family and closest friends, do the same for yourself.
Personal Day
If you have issues with valuing your own time, pick one day a week to focus entirely on yourself. Take the extra time to make the food you love the most, take an extra long shower, sleep in, etc. Show yourself love just like you would your significant other.
Original article by Jordan Lejuwaan published on High Existence